Debouncing like a pro using Vanilla JS
Sat Sep 30 2023vanilla JSfundamentals
Let’s learn about debouncing today. A fairly simple concept that can improve the performance of your application but is often ignored. ...
Creating a game using Vanilla JavaScript
Sat Sep 23 2023game developmentvanilla JS
Game development is something that uses Math. A good amount of Math. I've been doing web development for around more than 8 years now, where technical and domain challenges have been a part of my daily work. But solving Math problems isn't something ...
Joining Aera Technology
Sat Feb 08 2020life events
I’m very happy to announce that I’ll be joining Aera Technology as a User Interface Engineer! I’m so excited for this change as I’ll be moving to a new city and also that I’ll be working for a company with a domain in data science and machine ...
Creating a static page in Gatsby with filesystem data
Sun Jan 05 2020gatsbyreactstatic-pagegraphql
Using Gatsby to create your website has great SEO benefits. Simply saying, Gatsby converts your React components into html, css and javascript that can be easily be served using CDN. Then what’s so fancy about SEO with Gatsby? Gatsby has the power to ...
Minimal React vs Create React App
Sun Sep 22 2019reactminimal-reactcliboilerplate
Considering React and React Native, create-react-app and react-native-cli are far more popular tools than any other to get started with a basic application, yet I created minimal-react that serve different purposes. I needed something that ...
Creating a Hello World React application from scratch
Fri Jan 12 2018reactreact-dombabelwebpack
Creating a project from ground up without using any boilerplates feels pretty much like going on an adventure in a jungle without carrying a map. So let’s go ahead and create a hello world React application from an empty directory to a fully ...